Tuesday, 2 September 2008

London, Day 6

Touring has an anethetizing effect. Below is a list of things I have seen in six days:

Buckingham Palace
St James Palace
London Bridge
Tower of London
Tower Bridge
Wellington Arch
Hyde Park
Covent Gardens
Leicester Square
Millennium Bridge
Westminster Abbey
Big Ben
RAF Museum
Design Museum
Tate Modern
Tate Britain
Victoria & Albert Museum
National Gallery
National Portrait Gallery
British Library
National Antiquaries Society

...and the British Museum, four times.
There's a difference between experiencing great things and ticking them off a list, but the difference lessens each day. Constantly having to look is exhausting, constantly seeing things that are new. There's no chance to filter, to focus on what's important and discard the rest; all things are new.
Now I know why babies have to sleep so much.

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